Light Of Hope

where everything was filled with dark and gray

where white patches of sky lights shone over

where winds blown coldly and

the choice was to head on the wind

we dared and risked


when the unsteady tune and

the swing of life started

combined with a successive undulating pattern

which swelled and died away

and knowing that the tune was still on, gave us hope


In the middle we fought our battles

the chilling twists and turns

the uneasy feelings

of the unfathomable choice

then seeing the first light of hope


an hour of thrusting and trusting

of seeing only the silhouetted horizon

of hearing the only tune

of tasting only salted liquid

of feeling the need to win the battle


the unsteady patterns faded slowly

the twisted feeling dropped

the taste of not the salted liquid, but of food

but still another halfway

still, in a but steady manner


then came another light

guiding, giving another hope

for another hour of thrusting and trusting

silently believing we could

talking the way we should


another hour in the mist

seeing lights afar, asking “Is that it?”

while filling our empty insides

nibbling wariness

focusing on the lights now getting closer


the rustling of waves and winds combined

the feeling of getting nearer and nearer

was so surreal

knowing it’ll be real

docking, landing, feeling the ground


the tune stopped

colors overflowed

sighs of relief released

and of all the lights

it was sole


leading us

guiding us

above us

always with us

our light of hope.



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